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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Summer Palace Journey

Saturday, April 25, 2009
"If people aren't talking about other people, it's a signal that something is wrong -- that we feel socially alienated or indifferent," says Ralph Rosnow, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Temple University.
But sometimes it crosses the line. In the following circumstances, the gossip has crossed the “acceptable” line and has morphed into something that can really hurt someone emotionally or practically (such as putting their job or marriage in jeopardy):
1. Exposing something that is supposed to be a secret
2. Lying about something
3. Saying something hurtful
4. Spreading a negative rumor
5. Saying something to be malicious, spiteful or vengeful
So what is it that makes ordinary people cross that line when they must know what the potential consequences are to the other person? Do they really think that the victim of their lies won't ever find out about it? Do they have that much hate in their heart, or is jealousy eating them alive?
Over the years I've been the target of malicious gossip several times. I've often wondered - is it karma for the times I've said something mean about someone else? Or is it meant to teach me how badly it can hurt the victim so that I don't ever again inflict that kind of pain on someone else?
In the words of Rodney King, "why can't we all just get along?"
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Forgotten Seeds
I picked up a cheap clematis at Walmart last year and planted the bulb next to the southern wall of my house. This morning, when I went out to look at my plants, listen to the trickling water of my pond, and collect my thoughts for the day, I noticed a big star-shaped flower on the ground that hadn't been there yesterday.
It was the clematis! I didn't put up a trellis for it, so it was trying to behave like groundcover and spread on the ground.
Much like my clematis, we do or say things every day that plant seeds. A kind word in an elevator can turn into someone rearranging priorities later on so you can deliver your project on time. Or gossip - it can spread just like Bermuda grass in the flower beds - its roots are so deep and they spread so far you can never really repair the damage it does.