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Friday, June 28, 2013

Ugh, This is Hard. Day 52

You know those stories about the overweight people that have weight loss surgery and magically become thin overnight?  Yeah well, I'm here to tell you it's an urban myth!

The surgery removes an obstacle for you, but the rest is up to you.  If I didn't work the program I can stay at my previous weight or even gain weight.  There is nothing stopping me from doing that.

What are my struggles?  Exercise was a big one.  When I first started walking about 6 weeks ago I would huff and puff, my knees hurt, my thighs hurt, my ankles swelled, and well, it just wasn't fun.  Now I've built up enough endurance to walk 3.2 miles a day without stopping, at a very fast clip for one with such short legs (about 3.6 mph).  My thighs and knees still complain, but not as much.  My right hip makes funny noises and hurts a little, probably because my right knee is my bad one and I walk out of balance.

I have discovered sweating!  My entire life I would be the one that didn't sweat, even in 100 degree temps.  Now, I have to wear a headband, sweat still runs down my face, and the headband comes home dripping wet.  My guess is that for the first time in a very long time I'm fully hydrated!  I drink about 12 cups of water a day.  Okay, not all water - usually 2 cups of coffee in the morning, lots of water during the day, then 1 or 2 cups of herbal tea before bed.

Now that I can eat real food, I have to deal with the times (especially at night) where I'm bored and really, really, want something salty and crunchy.  Or sweet.  And I admit I've given in to that more than once.  It'll be a life long struggle for me I guess.  I have to keep forgiving myself so that I can move on and do better.

Surprisingly, to me, what's not hard is not drinking alcohol.  I've had a couple of glasses of wine twice, but didn't feel the need to continue.

Victories?  I've lost inches when I haven't lost pounds.  And I still have lost pounds - 26 since surgery!  I fit into that pair of size 10 jeans I bought as an incentive.  Barely, but I fit.  Two years ago I logged my weight at the lowest ever (for exactly one day), and I have exactly 3.8 pounds to lose to get there again.  I'm walking my very first 5k tomorrow (the Run or Dye) in Fargo.  I'll come home covered in a rainbow of colors.  And sweaty.  But victorious!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 42, or Six Week Update

Only a pound difference from my last update, so I guess the weight loss is slowing down a bit.  But still, 24 pounds in six weeks is quite an achievement in my book!  That's an average of 4 pounds per week.

My activity level has picked up too - I'm now consistently walking between 2.5 and 4.5 miles a day (on purpose), about 5 days a week.  I have a few routes - one takes me along the river to a County Park where sometimes I also hike the trails through the woods; another is onsite here at my campground walking through a large hilly meadow with a walking path (lots of hills and uneven ground).  The whole running thing has proved too difficult on my knee, at least for now.  My first 5K is scheduled for June 29 (it's not timed, but I'm training to average 16 and a half minutes per mile).  The 5K is called "Run or Dye" because at set intervals along the course you run/walk through a cloud of powdered dye.  At the end of the event you look like a rainbow!

My thighs hurt, but I can tell they're getting stronger.  You need strong thighs in order to support your knees apparently, so that's good.  I need to start working on my upper body and ab muscles - we have a fitness center here so I have no excuse!

Summer has finally arrived here in Minnesota, with temps in the mid 70's during the day, mid to low 50's at night.  My radishes, peas, beets, kohrabi, herbs, and tomatoes are all doing well - can't wait for harvest!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 33 and Flowers on a Rainy Day

Luckily the stall in my weight loss was short-lived.  As of this morning, I'm down 22 pounds and am proudly overweight!

Unfortunately, my knees, especially my right one, has been protesting the increase in activity.  The swelling and pain has been enough to keep me off of it for the most part for 3 days.  Guess I really need to take the gradual approach.

Our Association had its Annual Meeting yesterday, and I got to facilitate it.  There were some tense moments, but I think it went well.  The amount of work leading up to it was overwhelming, so today's rain has meant that I have a chance to rest.  I'm staying in my PJs all day watching old episodes of Doc Martin on  Netflix, picking up stuff occasionally.

This afternoon there was a knock on the door and a shy, pretty little girl stood outside and said "I got you flowers".  I asked her to repeat herself, since wasn't carrying anything.  She finally pointed to a Tupperware container on my deck that held a bunch of white flowers.  Then I saw her Mom on the golf cart, and she said "she wanted to bring you flowers"!  I was embarrassed because I couldn't even remember the little girl's name (Micah) when she apparently knew me.  Anyway, it made my day.

One of the bad things about being stuck inside all day is the boredom.  I've had several moments today when my cravings got really bad.  But, when I wanted a peanut butter cup, I had some Mandarin oranges instead.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 28

Although I've hit a plateau, I'm not complaining.  I haven't felt this good in a long time!  I'm down 19.4 pounds since surgery.  And only about a 1/2 pound more and I'll only be overweight instead of obese!

My knees are killing me though.  I signed up for a 5k at the end of the month so have been attempting to jog in addition to walking.  I bought new shoes that are very lightweight and flexible, but are using muscles I didn't know I had.  I've been warned to break in these shoes very gradually, so I guess I'll heed the warning and wear my other shoes most of the time.

In other news, my peas are up and doing well, the radishes have appeared, and my assorted lettuces are barely showing above the dirt.  My asparagus didn't come up at all (what's up with that?), but the rhubarb is big enough to harvest.  The chives are already blossoming, which means I need to harvest them, chop them up, and freeze.

New to my garden this year is yellow squash and kohlrabi.  The cucumbers are too small to plant outside yet, but I've got several tomatoes in containers.  I may have put them out too early though - the temps here are crazy, with highs in the low 60s and lows in the 40s.  And the rain!  Everything is really green, but we could use a couple days of sunshine to dry us out!