January: traveled to Guadalajara, Mexico, where I shared a room with pictures of Jesus and found a "La Cucaracha" in my beer. I'm not sure which was worse.
February: lost my luggage on the way to India, but had a fabulous time wearing the traditional Indian garb to my meetings.
March: journeyed to Malta, where history came alive and I swam in the (very) chilly Mediterranean Sea...with blue jeans. Not recommended.
April: went horse-back riding, petted goats, and had loads of fun at an offsite meeting.
May: moved to my Summer Palace. Also went to the "Big Apple" for a great dinner. I'm sure I did more than just eat, but that's what I remember. Oh yeah, and met a cute guy there that grew up near where I did.
Took delivery of my new 43-foot Summer Palace at the end of the month. After spending several hours packing and moving all my stuff out to the lawn we got to move everything back in and unpack. In-between we sat on lawn chairs and watched the workers setting up my new home. Five stars for the entertainment value.
Planted herbs, tomatoes, marigolds, and hostas in my garden. The chives were already ready for harvest by the time I got there, which made for delicious scrambled egg breakfasts.
June: worked really really hard on one of the biggest RFPs (Request for Proposal) my company has ever done. And found out just this week that we've won the business! Yahoo!
Huge hail storm damages both my brand new camper and my car, but the insurance check makes me feel better.
July: spent quality time with my sister-in-law staining their camper. Two days on a ladder in a bathing suit. Good for a tan, but not so much for neighborly relations when the top came off by accident...twice.

Flew to Salt Lake City, Utah, where I had Polygamy Porter for the first time. Not kidding - it's a real beer. Drank way too much of it to celebrate my friend's birthday while we were there.
August: had the best month ever at the lake - lots of sun, fun, and long afternoons on the Sandbar. Had cedar plank salmon on the grill for the first time (yummy).
September: ate lots of tomatoes, and basil, and thyme, and oregano, and chives.
Packed the car and moved back to the Winter Palace after inheriting good stuff from a neighbor who left the park.
October: went back to Salt Lake for more Polygamy Porter.
My annual physical revealed that I had normal blood test results for the first time in about 10 years. Must have been all the beer I drank over the summer.
November: turned 48 and settled into Texas day-to-day, including having my cats wake me up at the crack of dawn every morning. Even on the weekends and while on vacation.
December: took a long holiday, went to a couple of parties, and enjoyed watching the birds come to the feeders. This is the time of year I get to see woodpeckers, Carolina chickadees, tufted titmouse, and some strange looking goldfinches, in addition to the normal cardinals, blue jays, and squirrels.
In summary, I had a pretty darn good year again. I not only can't complain - I must celebrate!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
February: lost my luggage on the way to India, but had a fabulous time wearing the traditional Indian garb to my meetings.
April: went horse-back riding, petted goats, and had loads of fun at an offsite meeting.
May: moved to my Summer Palace. Also went to the "Big Apple" for a great dinner. I'm sure I did more than just eat, but that's what I remember. Oh yeah, and met a cute guy there that grew up near where I did.
Took delivery of my new 43-foot Summer Palace at the end of the month. After spending several hours packing and moving all my stuff out to the lawn we got to move everything back in and unpack. In-between we sat on lawn chairs and watched the workers setting up my new home. Five stars for the entertainment value.
Planted herbs, tomatoes, marigolds, and hostas in my garden. The chives were already ready for harvest by the time I got there, which made for delicious scrambled egg breakfasts.
June: worked really really hard on one of the biggest RFPs (Request for Proposal) my company has ever done. And found out just this week that we've won the business! Yahoo!
Huge hail storm damages both my brand new camper and my car, but the insurance check makes me feel better.
July: spent quality time with my sister-in-law staining their camper. Two days on a ladder in a bathing suit. Good for a tan, but not so much for neighborly relations when the top came off by accident...twice.

Flew to Salt Lake City, Utah, where I had Polygamy Porter for the first time. Not kidding - it's a real beer. Drank way too much of it to celebrate my friend's birthday while we were there.
August: had the best month ever at the lake - lots of sun, fun, and long afternoons on the Sandbar. Had cedar plank salmon on the grill for the first time (yummy).
September: ate lots of tomatoes, and basil, and thyme, and oregano, and chives.
Packed the car and moved back to the Winter Palace after inheriting good stuff from a neighbor who left the park.
October: went back to Salt Lake for more Polygamy Porter.
My annual physical revealed that I had normal blood test results for the first time in about 10 years. Must have been all the beer I drank over the summer.
November: turned 48 and settled into Texas day-to-day, including having my cats wake me up at the crack of dawn every morning. Even on the weekends and while on vacation.
December: took a long holiday, went to a couple of parties, and enjoyed watching the birds come to the feeders. This is the time of year I get to see woodpeckers, Carolina chickadees, tufted titmouse, and some strange looking goldfinches, in addition to the normal cardinals, blue jays, and squirrels.
In summary, I had a pretty darn good year again. I not only can't complain - I must celebrate!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
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