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Friday, August 6, 2010

For Emily

Sometimes a leap of faith makes all the difference.  In 1984, my friend Denise called me and asked if I would drive with her to Texas, where she was moving after college.  In order to do so, I had to quit my jobs (I had 2) and hope that I would find another one when I returned after 3 weeks. 

After those three weeks, Denise and my other best friend Karen asked me if I wanted to make it permanent.  So I took a deep breath, went back to North Dakota, packed up my little car, and started the long drive back to Texas with your Grandma Joyce.  She went as far as Oklahoma City with me, where we spent a couple of days visiting with my cousin who lived there at the time. 

And then it was time - I was leaving home forever to create a new life for myself, far away from everyone I loved.  I reached Dallas and by the time I got to the apartment I had to run for the toilet.  Turns out I had the flu, so it wasn't the best start to my new adventure!

I felt out of place for a long time - Karen and Denise already had friends there, and I was an outsider.  I wanted to go home.  The weather was stifling hot, and I wanted to go home.

I got a job and moved into an efficiency apartment, where my water bed took up most of the room.  I got robbed one day - they took my TV, my boom box, and an afghan I made myself.  Everything I had of value. I wanted to go home.

I struggled so hard, making many mistakes along the way, but somehow kept going forward on my new life adventure.  I wanted to go home countless times, but never did.

There were really good times too, like being able to be close to my two best friends.  We were all poor, and used to go to Happy Hours on Friday simply because they would have free food.  We'd order our one drink and nurse it for hours.

And now, 26 years later, I want to go home for a better reason.  My life adventure has taken me around the world many many times, and I've seen and done things that would make your jaw drop.  I have the best life ever, and would never have had any of it if I hadn't done exactly what you're doing now.  You must leave home in order to find out who you are, what you're made of, and what is possible for you. 

I am so proud of you, Emily Joyce.  You have begun the biggest adventure of your life and the world is waiting for you!

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