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Sunday, May 12, 2013

What Happens When the Propane Runs Out

Early this morning (like 4:30 this morning early), my cats piled on top of me.  I was cold, so I didn't mind so much.  Then I got really cold, even with the blankets of fur.  Why, oh why, does the propane decide to run out in the middle of the night of the coldest night of the summer?  It happens this way every year!

I put my slippers on and my warmest robe and went outside to switch tanks.  When I got back in the house it was 44 degrees inside - no wonder my furry friends were complaining!

The furnace and space heater back on, I decided to stay up and brew my first cup of coffee.  The sun rises early here, and with the sunrise came the deer.  The one that came closest had a broken back leg, poor thing.  I guess nature will take care of her.  Through the trees I could see other shapes moving, in search of their breakfast.  It must be hard on them this year, with the late start to spring.

Today is day 5 after surgery.  And I'm grateful.

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