Of the four kittens born that day, he was the one that I knew instantly what to name - Sam. His left eye was still closed, and remained closed for weeks while I patiently washed it with a warm washcloth. For 15 1/2 years I would pick the eye boogers off his cheek from that darn eye.
He was by no means the easiest cat. When he was unhappy, he would let me know it by peeing outside the litter box. He would turn his nose up at the scratching posts I bought and instead tear up the corners of plaster throughout the house.
But he was also the sweet lap cat that would flop down in my lap after a long business trip, turn on his side, and let me hold his paw. He would crawl into bed into my arms and place his head on my shoulder, making little grunts of satisfaction when I reached out for him. Often I'd wake to Sam sprawled full body across my body or neck, sound asleep.
As soon as I would leave the bed in the morning, he'd crawl into my lap while I drank my coffee, then would go back to the bed, burrowing under the covers to find the warm spot.
His mother Grace would hiss and growl at him around me, and then 5 minutes later I'd find them curled around each other on my bed.
Sammy got sick very suddenly, and even the animal hospital couldn't save him. I was with him at the end; he was so sick, but I think he recognized my scent when I blew my breath into his face.
It's been a trying week here at the Summer Palace. A good friend has incurable cancer. My Niece's husband was in a car accident and has no memory of anything prior to the accident, including his own name, his wife, or his 4 kids. A former friend is on Crystal Meth and suffering from paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations. A divorce in the family. And today I learned that a co-worker's son was killed yesterday in Afghanistan.
Today I am grateful for the sunshine after days of dreary weather. I am grateful for the bags of carrots, cukes, and beets that a neighbor brought me yesterday from his farm. I am grateful for the coffee in my Minnesota mug, even though it doesn't taste quite as good without a cat sprawled across my lap.
Rest in peace Sammy my heart. We'll meet again some day, but Grace and I miss you today.
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