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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Winter Palace Blues

I'm never happy about leaving Minnesota for Texas, even for the promise of better weather.  It means saying goodbye to family and friends, lake country, chipmunks, deer, and the "country" life.

But I'm back in the city now, adjusting as best I can.  Thursday not just one but two drivers pulled out right in front of me; one even ran a stop sign to do it.  I laid on the horn both times, but both drivers were oblivious, probably too busy texting to worry about it.  By the time I got home my hands were clenched, my shoulders hunched, and I felt a headache starting right behind my eyes.  Then the Dentist told me I needed yet another crown, and my portion of the bill would be close to $700.00

But it's not all bad, not even half bad.  The day I arrived it was 91 degrees (ugh), but a cold front went through that very day and temps have been in the mid 70's since then.  I have my big kick-ass oven/range to cook on - no more trying to fit stuff into a tiny convection oven and then wondering how it's gonna turn out.

I joined the local YMCA this week; it being the cheapest option out there and the closest to home. When I entered the reception area to join, several people came in swiping their membership cards to get in.  None of them was under 80.  One lady came in with a walker and looked as if it would take her an hour to make it across the 50 feet to the gym.  Turns out there was a Silver Sneakers class about to begin.  The average age at this Y is much older than the normal gym though - even the trainer I met with is 57.  Guess I don't have to worry about being intimidated by athletic young hotties!

I hit a "magic" number with my weight loss this week too - 40 pounds lost.  That makes 70 pounds gone since my initial weight loss surgery 7 years ago.  10 pounds more and I'll have a normal BMI, which is my next goal.  I'm on week 5 of my running plan, which is run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes.  It's still a workout, but it's getting easier every day!

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