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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It Could Be Worse, Right?

Baseboards are done, bedroom doors are replaced, the broken tile in the bathroom has been replaced and grouted, the old room electric heat controls have all been removed, and I have half hardheartedly started painting.  The entry door has 2 coats of varnish on it (it looks fabulous by the way), and the new sliding glass door and new door to the garage will be delivered tomorrow morning.

And just as I suspected, the more work we do, the more we find to do.  If I learned one lesson here, it's to not put off house maintenance!  It's always seemed overwhelming to me, but if I had done one thing at a time, I'd be ready to put my house on the market.

Today was supposed to be tree day, but I got a call this morning saying that the owner had poison oak all over his body, and that he needed several days to recover.  Bummer.  I was really looking forward to the positive changes tree trimming and removal was going to make, especially to my backyard.

Next week the tub is getting refinished, hopefully the fence will get done, and siding repaired.  Tonight I worked on a Pinterest project; picked up some trim molding and stained it with the stain I had leftover from the entry door.  It'll be cut to "frame" the huge mirror in the downstairs bathroom.  There's not enough room to actually frame it, so it will be glued to the mirror with Liquid Nails.  The downstairs bathroom is the ugliest room in the house, so any little bit helps.

I have the whole week of Thanksgiving off, so I can finish my painting chores then if I don't finish them this weekend.  I really hate painting.

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