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Saturday, March 19, 2016

So You Think You're Not a Socialist

Socialism is a term that has come up more in the past few months because we have a self-proclaimed democratic socialist running for president.  You say you don't believe in socialism?  Okay then.

Your kids can no longer go to a public school.  We taxpayers pay for that privilege even when we don't have kids of our own.

Forget about calling 911.  I've never had to call the police for help, and my house hasn't burned, yet I pay my taxes to ensure that you're safe.

And speaking of being safe, who do you think pays the salaries of our men and women in the armed service?  25% of my taxes do.  And I gladly pay for their benefits after they leave the service too.

Wanna mail a letter, or get packages delivered right to your mailbox?  I guess you could count on UPS or FEDEX from now on, but the US Postal Service is taxpayer funded.

Socialism isn't facism.  It's not communism.  It's a concept that we've already embraced where we all pitch in a portion of what we have to ensure that the entire community is educated, safe, and well fed, whether they paid or not.

Oh yeah.  In case you want to leave the country to avoid socialism, better not use a road.  We paid for those too.


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