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Monday, July 1, 2019

Miracle Morning

After a nasty cold all week, a 24-hour migraine, and a cough starting last night, I woke up (late!) feeling pretty good.  My poor chickens were anxious to get outside to start their day, so I opened their coop door and headed back inside to make the coffee and feed the cats. 

Even with all the windows closed (it's gonna be a hot day), I heard the noise, like hundreds of screaming hawks.  Looking out the sliding glass door, I could see a couple of my chickens by the house, not moving and looking to the sky.  Intrigued, I stepped outside and heard the racket up close.  Whatever was making it was circling my house - now it was in the front with a few stragglers in the back near me.  Hearing them on the move again, I moved to the side of the house and saw a hawk, followed by hundreds of smaller birds.  Blue Jays, and they were chasing that hawk away from my house!

My chickens were huddled together in fear, and Rhoda, my Rhode Island Red, was making a noise like a rumble rumble rumble, repeated low and constant. 

I stood there until the racket subsided, then noticed that several of the Jays had perched quite close to me.  I silently thanked them for watching out for my friends, and looked around at the rest of the yard.  A dragonfly had flown into the coop run and couldn't find it's way out, so I gently picked him up and got him to freedom.  A Monarch butterfly was nearby perched on a yellow dandelion, and a gorgeous black and white butterfly or moth flew nearby.  A hummingbird buzzed me, reminding me that I needed to fill his feeders, and the woods sighed in contentment.  Summer is here, the air is warm, and all is as it should be. 

And I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

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