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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Instant Karma

Part of my treatment for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is twice a week therapy called myofascial release.  During that hour-long session, I'm either flat on my back or stomach with the therapist manipulating my fascia in the areas that hurt that week.  I've gotten to know my therapist quite well the last 2 months, and we talk about a wide variety of subjects.  

Today, I told her I was going to Aldi after our session to do my weekly grocery shopping.  "Shoot", I said, "I don't have a quarter for the shopping cart".  I explained to her since she's never been to Aldi (!!) that you put a quarter in a cart to unlock the chain that holds it to the other carts, and when you're done shopping you put the chain back on in order to get your quarter back.  Last week as I was putting my cart back after shopping a lady asked if she could have my cart since she had no money, only food stamps.  Of course I gave it to her, and with it, my quarter!

When I got to Aldi, I found a quarter buried at the bottom of my purse and approached the cart rack.  "Here you go", said someone as they pushed their cart to me.  

"Don't you want your quarter?" I asked.  

"Nope, just passing it on."

Such a small kindness, and yet that stranger made my day.  I only hope that I did the same for the lady I gave my cart to last week.

Kindness - pass it on.

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