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Monday, February 15, 2016

A (Not So) New Cat Litter Solution

In a previous post, I talked about traditional litter solutions.  My choice was an unscented, clumping litter, which has served me well over the years.  Except when the litter was scattered out of the litter box.  Except when the litter was tracked all over the house (ever try to sleep well with a bed full of it?).

My new pet sitter told me that most of her clients had switched to Tidy Cats Breeze, so of course I had to check it out.  The system consists of a box, much like a regular litter box, with a drawer below it.  The box has grates in the bottom, and the actual "litter" is  pellets.  A pad in the bottom drawer soaks up the urine that comes through the grates, while the pellets hold the poop.  For a healthy adult cat, the poop rarely sticks to the pellets, so your daily chore is to scoop the poop only.  Weekly, the pad is changed, and monthly the pellets should be replaced.

I bought a couple of the systems, and replaced one of my regular litter boxes with the Breeze system.  Before I could even step away, Meep used the new box, and the other two kitties were not far behind.

Now, as I said, a healthy adult cat's poop is great for this system.  Kitten poop and loose stools?  Not so much.  It still works, but the pellets stick to the poop, and diahrrea will mean a total cleanout before you wanted to.


  • No tracking or minimal tracking (the pellets sometimes find their way outside the box, but it's easy to throw them back in)

  • Less odor - the pads not only soak up the urine, but have something in them to keep the smell down


  • Expensive.  I was able to find the complete starter system at Amazon for $19.99, but now the price is $29.99.  For replacement pellets and pads, seems to have the best prices.

  • Availability in my area is online only, although some Walmarts carry the supplies

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