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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Is It Possible to Have Too Many Hobbies?

Over the years I have had many hobbies.  In my younger years there was macrame and embroidery.  A neighbor taught me how to crochet, a skill I still use today.

As I moved into my middle years, family became more and more important, and so a passion for genealogy was born. Last year I took a couple of painting classes, you know, the ones where you get to drink and paint?  That set me off on buying my own canvas and paints.  And then the adult coloring book craze hit.  And soap.  I have tons of silicone soap molds and essential oils for making soap.  I can make my own butter, preserve some pretty decent jam, and whip up a nice beurre blanc on command.

My latest hobby has been learning to sew.  Again.  Home Ec back in high school didn't go so well for me;  sewing was not my strong point, and I don't think I ever did finish that skirt.

Once Spring comes around, I'll be gardening, and maybe even build my own raised beds with all the power tools I've bought over the years thinking that building stuff would be cool.

Oh yeah, and I actually have a pork belly hanging from my garage ceiling that can just about be called pancetta.  I'm learning how to cure meat.

When I think of my dusty house with the dirty dishes in the sink, my desk strewn with papers that need filing, and the laundry that needs to be done, I wonder, do I have too many hobbies?  Then I see a cool quilt block on Pinterest and I don't care any more.


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